Thursday, March 8, 2012

Have we not reason to Rejoice?

So lately our lives here in the Barker family have been very crazy to say the least! In fact I probably can't think of a time in my life where I have had more things going on all at once, and been more stressed out than I have been these last few weeks. But today I was thinking about it and I read a talk this morning by Elder Deiter F. Uchtdorf called "Have We Not Reason to Rejoice?" (its so great... I recommend it!) and it just really got me thinking about all of the things in my life that I really do have reason to rejoice about, and a lot of those things that are causing this craziness are things that I am actually very grateful for. Let me explain...

So in the last 2 weeks we found out that Nick was able to get a job offer! WHOO! But it is in Twin Falls, which means that  in the next month and a half we have to put our house in Pocatello up for sale, pack up our house AGAIN, move out, find a house in Twin, preferrebly a house to buy, not rent, but we may have to rent until we can get into a house to that we buy (make sense?) but if we rent than that means we will have to move to the rental and then a few months later move AGAIN! But with buying a house comes all of the fun things like getting approved for a loan and all that fun stuff. Oh did I mention that  for the last six weeks we have been living in Burley with Nicks parents so we havent been able to do much at our house in Pocatello and after next week Nick will be living in Reno, NV for 3 weeks while he does a rotation there?SO as far as packing and everything like that goes I will be on my own. AND... to top this all off , Im about 5 months Pregnant!! (for those of you who dont know, im due July 30th). 
See!  I told you things are crazy... and I sound like a huge whiner  here, and I will admit there have been some break downs and a few tears (its the pregnancy i swear!) but... I AM SO GRATFUL for all of this. I really realized today how blessed we have been. This Job is a huge huge blessing and especially in a time where pharmacy jobs, especially around this area, are few and far between. Nick was able to get one close to both of our families, where he never has to work on sunday's and he still has time to spend with us. Im very gratful to be moving to Twin Falls and not some where really far away like Nebraska (he had a job there he thought about applying for). Im grateful for the fact, even though its a pain to move, that I have family close by that can help, and Im grateful for the fact that with this job we will be able to afford a house to buy in twin that will be prefect for our family. Im so grateful for our wonderful families who support us and help us and I honestly dont know what we would do without them, Im grateful for Nick and all that he does for Sophie and me and this new baby! He is THE BEST dad and husband I could ever ask for. He really puts up with me alot, especially lately with these little "break-downs" I've been having. Im grateful for Sophie and the sweet sweet little girl she is. She is my little buddy and she keeps me busy but she brings so much joy to me.  Most of all, though, Im grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and for my Heavenly Father who blesses us each and every single day. So to answer the question HAve we not reason to rejoice? I know we do, and we always will as long as we do all that we can in our lives to have eternal persepective. To do those things that heavenly father asks of us. Im grateful for that knowledge.

How can you look at this picture and not smile? It makes me laugh everytime. Lets just ignore the mess behind her k. :)


  1. i had no idea you were pregnant! {Congrats!} I miss you so much and think that we should get together soon- or skype?! we need to do something because I miss you. I wish I lived closer so I could help you move. It sounds like you have a big job ahead of you!! You are super woman/mom though and can do anything. Plus, you are looking STUNNING these days (I see this via pictures on your blog :). Motherhood is really looking great on you!

  2. Megan- you look amazing and I love hearing your little updates! Sophie is so stinkin' cute too but it has been forever since we have seen you guys! Maybe now that you are in Twin we will see each other more since it is a little closer:) Congrats and hope life is going well!

  3. A job?!!! Hooray! That is awesome! I didn't know! Twin Falls is great! I love that place! Yea! We will stop by and visit every time we go to Washington and Boise! When does he start the job? You know what? Better, I'll just call you today.
    Love the picture of Sophie! And I agree, you have every reason to rejoice. I need to know about baby number two too, a boy?

  4. Congrats!!! That is great news! No worries about having a few break downs while preggo - those hormones are a B!*#h!!! I also don't blame you for worrying about moving - if Kevin and I had to move that much we would be divorced. The one move we have had almost ended that way :)

    Plus - you do have a lot to rejoice about!!!
