Alright, I guess I should probably update this thing. I feel like I have all of these things I need to blog about, but I am not going to lie, blogging is not my favorite thing. Mostly because it takes me forever... but I try to hit the main points of interest that go on here in the Barker Family, so that is what I'm going to do.
Since my last blog post we have had a couple things go on. The main event being Cru's baby blessing. We blessed him on September 30th (yes I know that was a month ago!) It was so great! Nick gave Cru a very sweet blessing, and afterwards we had everyone over for lunch. We loved having our families over to our new house and for most of them it was their first time being here. So that was fun to be able to show off our new house and actually have a place that everyone can be in at once and not feel cramped. We feel very blessed to have such wonderful families .
Cru, slept basically the entire time. How awesome is that Tux? I love it! |
Sophie was too busy playing and already had taken her dress off by the time we were taking pictures so we never got one with her in it. oops! |
Bryson, Mandy, Michelle, and Brady eating lunch |
This is my niece Ayla, isn't she such a doll!? |
Sophie |
Also Cru turned 2 months this month (and yes, he is actually going to be 3 month old next week, like I said, I am a bad blogger) So here are his 2 month stats: Weight: 11 lbs 7 oz. height: 22.25 inches head circumf.:38.1 cm. So as far as the charts go he is in the 10th percentile for height and head circumference and the 75th for weight. Ha. Basically we have a short chubby little guy. :) and he is the CUTEST!! He has started smiling and it is so cute and he is doing little baby talking sounds a lot more. I love it! Cru is such a good little baby, and we just love having him as part of our family. Sophie has gotten better about being "soft" with him and she really loves to hold him and talk to him.

We also carved pumpkins this week for Family home evening. Jono and Natasha (Nick's brother and his wife) and their two kids did it with us. It was pretty fun, although I think Sophie was pretty ready for bed by the time we got done because she was a grump the lat like 30 min they were here, but other than that it was pretty fun and we are all pretty proud of our awesome pumpkin carving skills. ;)
Mandy is supposed to be pulling the same face as the pumpkin but you cant really tell. |